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We are a church: a community of people God has chosen and preserved for Himself, who love, follow, learn from, and worship God together. God has sent us to share His message of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. The Gospel, or the good news, is the message of the Bible that God is redeeming His fallen, sinful creation through the coming of His kingdom in the Person and work of Jesus Christ.



We believe that by bringing the life-changing message of God's love to the people of Dayton, we can effectively reach our community, our country, and our world. Serving in Dayton also provides us with a unique opportunity to love and serve the next generation of our city.



Simply put: we are a loving church that brings the loving message of a loving God to a lost world.



Pete Davidson

Pastor Pete was born in a very religious home in Dayton, Ohio where unfortunately, he was never taught what God actually says in His Word. It was more about traditions and rituals instead of truth. By the grace of God he ended up hearing the gospel, and eventually trusted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in July 2011. In February 2012 he surrendered to the call to preach.

Pete is married to his wife Mckia, and together they have four beautiful children. Before starting Dayton Baptist Church, he served at their reproducing church, Hanes Baptist Church, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Pete is known for his enthusiasm, passionate Bible preaching & teaching, and genuine love for people.


He would love the opportunity to meet you, and be a help to you in any way he can.


Leadership Team


Keshawn Miller 
Youth Director


Logan Croskey
Van Ministry & Property Management


Christine Cox 
Church Secretary


Judy Sanderson
Hospitality Director

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